Thursday, March 27, 2014

Count Down

Things are things.  Ya know?  Not bad, not great.  I am in this weird, almost purgatorial phase, where I am waiting out my days until vacation time (Antelope Canyon!  Grand Canyon! Las Vegas--- what?!?), and work is not making it any easier.  We could not get any busier, nor more short staffed, nor oh-my-god-people-can-you move-any faster/more-efficiently?!  It might be the perfectionist in me, but sometimes I really wish I had ten arms and 35 hours in the day to just do it all my own goddamn self.  Ceding power might be the most difficult thing I do in my life.

BUT there is a sunny side of the street, as I said above.  Vacation!  Honeymoon!  Nature!  Joel Robuchon's L'Atelier in Las Vegas (again, what the what?!)!  Just one month to go.  I have this sinking suspicion that Townes will do something amazing while we are gone... probably take his first steps... and that will just add to the Mom guilt I am already feeling.   BUT!  Honeymoon!  I need this time with my husband, for sure.  We have been stretching ourselves pretty thin the past couple months, and the time spent apart vastly surpasses the time we've spent together.  I honestly don't know what we will do with all this time together, but as my boss told me, I better not come home pregnant.  Thanks for the advice, Thierry!  

So, anyways, count down with me people.  I really, really, realllllly need a vacation, especially with the man that I married that I see about 20 hours total out of a week.  I know that "they" say that distance makes that heart grow fonder, but I never imagine that this would apply to married life.

1 comment:

  1. No need to have Mom guilt. You and Josh are fantastic parents. But it is important to let go of the need to "to it all myself". Good lord, could you be anymore your mother's daughter?!
